Sapling | A static site generator and server


Fast light weight static site framework written in rust

If you are familiar with a static site generator like 11ty, sapling is nothing new to you. If not here is a quick intro to the world of static site frameworks.

Static Site Framework :

Often times, website do not have to change once served. Websites like these are considered "static". Even to write those static site we often want to do little dynamic stuff, like :

  • get a page with list of all sites in a given directory or topic
  • use same structure for all blogs but different content

or some times we want to do things like :

  • want to write slightly complex websites without javascript or much html

Static site frameworks serve exactly these purposes.

What does sapling do?

Sapling is in it's very early stages at the moment. But current sapling can :

  • render html from markdown files using template
  • also handles css
  • supports entire of gfm syntax

Some of the upcoming features in sampling are :

  • deep data merge
  • project management system



The sapling binary can create the project structure and a new simple project. It does not serve the site by default. To bootstrap :

sapling bootstrap project_name

If a given folder with same name as project exists, sapling will initialise the project within that folder (Only if it empty). Else it create a new one. You can use the current directory by giving project_name as .


sapling serve the project in the current folder, it cannot serve projects in other folders. To serve projects :

sapling --serve run # Not mentioning --serve only builds your project

Note : there are a lot of other options and optional command line arugment, so sapling help to see them.

Folder structure

This is one of those places where sapling is very rigid and opinionated. As of now, the folder names are rigid, in the upcoming releases this is bound to change.

Basic structure

The basic structure of a project should be like this:

├── content
│   └──
├── css
│   ├── css1.css
│   └── csssubdir
│       └── css2.css
└── template
    ├── home.html
    └── subfolder
        └── home2.html

In the upcoming releases we will be adding a bootstrapper which will help you init your project.[THIS IS DONE NOW]

Accessing template

The folder that the runtime searches for when mentioning a template in frontmatter is by default template folder. So the way you would use say home2.html in the above project structure will be :

template : subfolder/home2.html

Help : If you don't understand frontmatter, look into frontmatter to learn about it.

and for home.html :

template : home.html 

Note : using relative or absolute paths may render the runtime unable to generate anything.

Accessing css

The css is served automatically by the server runtime. In the given example including css2.css in the template will be something like this :

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/csssubdir/css2.css" />

and accessing css1.css :

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/css1.css" />

sapling uses lightningcss and supports bundling and a lot more. Look into the css section to learn more about writing css files for sapling


To use the tool to create the above mentioned folder structure see Bootstrapping in Usage section.


Frontmatter is found at the starting of the file and can contain any field you wish.

Note : the frontmatter is completely optional, but do look at the defaults before skipping out of frontmatter all together.

Common fields and some defaults

Some common frontmatter fields are :

title: can be used to store the title of the site 
template: specifies what template to render a given markdown file using
link: specifies where this given page must be served
name:  Is related with the `link` tag

And some default values for important fields :

  • template: default is index.html
  • link: default is the name tag in frontmatter
  • name: default is the files name

An example frontmatter :

template: "blogs_templates/blog.html"
title: "Blog1-OwO"
link: "/blogs/blog1-OwO"
data_merge : "blog"
authors : [navin,navin_clone]

Accessing frontmatter variables

To access these variables in your templates you have to use {{frontmatter.x}}, something like this :

      {% block head %}
      <title>{{ frontmatter.title.main }}</title>
      {% endblock head %}

Forward index and reverse index

To be able to access frontmatter of other posts, you can use 2 types of indexes.

  • Forward indices : Simply collects all frontmatter under a key.
  • Reverse indices : Collects all frontmatters based on values present in frontmatter tags of the given file.

This is where sapling might get little confusing, refer forward index and reverse index sections.

Forward index

Forward indices are easy to understand. The tag frontmatter:<value> groups the current frontmatter with "value" as key. Something like this :


title : "First blog testing Markdown elements"
date : "01-20-2002"
link : "/blogs/blog1"
author : ["P K Navin Shrinivas"]
template : "blog.html"
forwardindex : blog
tags : ["test","deep data merge"]


title : "Tags"
template : "tags.html"

Note the forwardindex:blog. To access all frontmatters that were forward merged under blog. You do something like this in the template :


<div class="flexdiv">
   {% for i in %} 
      {% for j in i.tags %}
         {% set_global flatlist = flatlist | concat(with=j) %}
      {% endfor %}
   {% endfor %}
   {% for i in flatlist|unique %}
   <a href="/tags/{{i}}/">
      <button class="rounded btn bg-info b-info white">{{i}}</button>
   {% endfor %}

Note the that gives rise to an array of frontmatters.

Also do note the "/" in the end of the link in a href tag.

Multiple forward index mapping

Right from version 1, sapling supports mappinn a given frontmatter to multiple forward index keys!

Your frontmatter will look something like this :

title : "First blog testing Markdown elements"
date : "01-20-2002"
link : "/blogs/blog1"
author : ["P K Navin Shrinivas"]
template : "blog.html"
forwardindex : ["blog","tags"]
tags : ["test","deep data merge"]

And is now accessible through any of the following ways :

<div class="flexdiv">
   {% for i in %} 
      {% for j in i.tags %}
         {% set_global flatlist = flatlist | concat(with=j) %}
      {% endfor %}
   {% endfor %}
   {% for i in flatlist|unique %}
   <a href="/tags/{{i}}/">
      <button class="rounded btn bg-info b-info white">{{i}}</button>
   {% endfor %}

or :

<div class="flexdiv">
   {% for i in forwardindex.tags %} <!-- note the difference here -->
      {% for j in i.tags %}
         {% set_global flatlist = flatlist | concat(with=j) %}
      {% endfor %}
   {% endfor %}
   {% for i in flatlist|unique %}
   <a href="/tags/{{i}}/">
      <button class="rounded btn bg-info b-info white">{{i}}</button>
   {% endfor %}

This gives raise to some unique and powerful data collections to be created a fed into the templating engine!

Reverse Index

Reverse indices are slight bit harder to grasp, so stick with me here! Say you have two blogs with the following front matter :


template : "blog.html"
title : "First blog testing Markdown elements"
date : "01-20-2002"
link : "/blogs/blog1"
author : ["P K Navin Shrinivas"]
tags : ["test","deep data merge"]
forwardindex : blog
reverseindex : ["author","tags"]


template : "blog.html"
title : "Second blog to test indexs"
date : "01-20-2002"
link : "/blogs/blog2"
author : ["Anirudh Rowjee"]
tags : ["test","second blog"]
forwardindex : blog
reverseindex : ["author","tags"]

Note : unlike 11ty, reverse inices (that are similar to collections) can be done on any number of tags as you wish.

Now in the above example, you will have the following :

  • A list of frontmatter with the tag test.
  • A list of frontmatter with the tag deep data merge.
  • A list of frontmatter with the tag second blog.
  • A list of fronmatter of posts with author P K Navin Shrinivas.
  • A list of fronmatter of posts with author Anirudh Rowjee.

What sapling does with the reverse indices. IMPORTANT PART

It by default tries to generate a page for each of the value it found in those tags. It seraches for the template for this page in /templates/reverseindex. IT WILL GIVE AN ERROR IF IT DOESNT FIND A TEMPLATE FOR EACH TAG IT INDEXED ON.

In the above case, we need two templates, namely : templates/reverseindex/tags.html and templates/reverseindex/author.html

Note : you can feel free to leave it empty, I does't render anything in that case.

The templates/reverseindex/tags.html will look something like this :

         {% block header %}
            <h1>Posts with the tag : {{reverseindexon}}</h1>
         {% endblock header %}
      {% block content %}
      <div class="postlist">
         {% for i in reverseindex %}
            <a href={{ }}>
               <h3>{{ i.title }}</h3>
               <p><b>Date : </b>{{ }}</p>
            <div class="tagslist">
               tags : 
               {% for k in i.tags %}
               <a href="/tags/{{k}}/"><code>{{k}}</code></a>
               {% endfor %}
            {% endfor %}
      {% endblock content %}

The important variables to focus on is reverindexon which contains the value in the tag this reverseindex list will contain. reverseindex is the list itself. sapling will feed this template one by one with all the values it find in the tags attribute wherever we have asked for a reverse index!

In the end of this process you'll have a structure like this in the static folder : image

CSS : Cascading Style Sheets

sapling uses lightningcss and supports bundling and a lot more.

Imports in css :

A given css files can import another css files using relative paths :

├── content
│   └──
├── css
│   ├── css1.css
│   └── csssubdir
│       └── css2.css
└── template
    ├── home.html
    └── subfolder
        └── home2.html

In the above path, if css2.css wants to import css1.css, it would look something like this :

@import "../css1.css"


Note : conflicting cases and selectors in bundled are not caught by css bundler just yet.


sapling uses Tera as it's templating engine. For a much more detailed look into templating, do look into Tera's documentation . This section of sapling's docs only contains some important parts.

Overriding Blocks

sapling supports Inheritance. That is children templates can extend parent templates and override sections(Or addon to parent content). These sections are identified by blocks. The below sections are copied over from Tera docs as they paint a very clear picture :

Base template

A base template typically contains the basic document structure as well as several blocks that can have content.

For example, here's a base.html almost copied from the Jinja2 documentation:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    {% block head %}
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" />
    <title>{% block title %}{% endblock title %} - My Webpage</title>
    {% endblock head %}
    <div id="content">{% block content %}{% endblock content %}</div>
    <div id="footer">
        {% block footer %}
        &copy; Copyright 2008 by <a href="http://domain.invalid/">you</a>.
        {% endblock footer %}

This base.html template defines 4 block tags that child templates can override. The head and footer block have some content already which will be rendered if they are not overridden.

Child template

Again, straight from Jinja2 docs:

{% extends "base.html" %}
{% block title %}Index{% endblock title %}
{% block head %}
    {{ super() }}
    <style type="text/css">
        .important { color: #336699; }
{% endblock head %}
{% block content %}
    <p class="important">
      Welcome to my awesome homepage.
{% endblock content %}

To indicate inheritance, you have to use the extends tag as the first thing in the file followed by the name of the template you want to extend. The {{ super() }} variable call tells Tera to render the parent block there.

Nested blocks also work in Tera. Consider the following templates:

// grandparent
{% block hey %}hello{% endblock hey %}

// parent
{% extends "grandparent" %}
{% block hey %}hi and grandma says {{ super() }} {% block ending %}sincerely{% endblock ending %}{% endblock hey %}

// child
{% extends "parent" %}
{% block hey %}dad says {{ super() }}{% endblock hey %}
{% block ending %}{{ super() }} with love{% endblock ending %}

The block ending is nested in the hey block. Rendering the child template will do the following:

  • Find the first base template: grandparent
  • See hey block in it and check if it is in child and parent template
  • It is in child so we render it, it contains a super() call so we render the hey block from parent, which also contains a super() so we render the hey block of the grandparent template as well
  • See ending block in child, render it and also render the ending block of parent as there is a super()

The end result of that rendering (not counting whitespace) will be: "dad says hi and grandma says hello sincerely with love".

Object types and Array type variables frontmatter

Say our frontmatter looks something like this :

title : 
   main : hello
   alternate : hello_world 
authors : [Navin, Sapling]

You would access these variables in templates like so :

{% block head %}
<title>{{ frontmatter.title.alternate }}</title>
{% endblock head %}
   <h3 class="fufu"> Authors : </h3> 
      {% for author in frontmatter.authors %}
      <li> {{ author }} </li>
      {% endfor%}


sapling uses rocket to serve the static files. What's different here is that you can control the url where a given markdown file gets served. This can be done using the link tag in the frontmatter.

Note : If there is somehow 2 or more markdown files that are asking to be served on the same path, the second one is served. The warning ([WARN]) does show up during processing stage.

Note : By default, the serving link for a given file is its file name, like : /file_name/

You would control the serving like so :

link : "/blogs/blog2-hello-world" 

Important note : the server that is being used can acccess the links only if it ends with a "/", do make sure of this.


  • sapling comes with a cool feature, live reload!
  • Any changes in content, template and css are auto detected and any browser tab that is open will be auto-reloaded!
  • Any additions of assets needs a manual restart, this will soon be changed!

Other information

  • Rocket by default serves the sites on port 80. This makes sudo permission must. Unless you want to serve on other ports : sapling --serve-port 8000 run

It's better to always run sapling in sudo.

Example Project

Covering an entire project in documentation is hard, but fret not. the bootstrap_project in sapling GitHub repo acts as the perfect example to learn from.

Example project

Contributors and Credits

This following section contains all the contributors along with their roles. This shall help you contact the right person for your queries. All other project's sapling is dependent on are also listed here, I may have missed quite a few of them. Please contact me if you expect any changes to these sections.


You can write all the code in the world and make a pr. But do test it on the bootstrap_project. If you do cargo run -- --serve --serve-port 8000 run. Inside the bootstrap_project folder, you can run your changes on the project!


P K Navin Shrinivas
- Main developer and founder of sapling.
- [ github ](
- [ email ](mailto:[email protected])


Following are the projects that sapling is highly dependent on :

  • Tera
  • Lightningcss
  • yaml_serde
  • serde
  • walkdir
  • comrak
  • rocket
  • tokio