Contributors and Credits

This following section contains all the contributors along with their roles. This shall help you contact the right person for your queries. All other project's sapling is dependent on are also listed here, I may have missed quite a few of them. Please contact me if you expect any changes to these sections.


You can write all the code in the world and make a pr. But do test it on the bootstrap_project. If you do cargo run -- --serve --serve-port 8000 run. Inside the bootstrap_project folder, you can run your changes on the project!


P K Navin Shrinivas
- Main developer and founder of sapling.
- [ github ](
- [ email ](mailto:[email protected])


Following are the projects that sapling is highly dependent on :

  • Tera
  • Lightningcss
  • yaml_serde
  • serde
  • walkdir
  • comrak
  • rocket
  • tokio